Pripravite čisto posebno pustolovsko rojstnodnevno zabavo v Pustolovksem parku Bled. Avantura na 81 različnih plezalnih elementih, rojstnodnevna torta in zabava, kot je še ni bilo. Pustolovska rojstnodnevna zabava vključuje:
Starši lahko otroke odložite tudi na parkiriču pod Stražo, kjer jih prevzame naš inštruktor in jih po končani zabavi tja tudi pripelje nazaj. Rojstnodnevna zabava običajno traja 3 ure. Za rojstnodnevno zabavo lahko priskrbite tudi svojo torto in prigrizke.
Več informacij po telefonu 031 513 645 (Andraž) ali na [email protected]
Adventure park Bled is a place of unique challenges. It is located on top of Straza hill in the town of Bled, one of the tourist gems in Slovenia. Set up in tree canopies, it is an aerial adventure park, consisting of 90 exciting elements which will provide a fun and healthy outdoor recreation for individuals or families. With 8 different courses, ranging from 1 to 12 meters off the ground, we can accommodate all our guests’ preferences.
Safety is our top priority, that is why the park is built in accordance with EN 15567-1 standard. We also use high quality safety equipment, including the modern continuous belay system by Kanopeo®. Our well qualified guides will provide clear safety instructions and give assistance if needed.
V sklopu Pustolovskega parka Bled lahko organiziramo različne programe, ki so namenjeni
zaključenim poslovnim skupinam. Program s pomočjo strokovno vodenih sklopov spodbuja
ekipno dinamiko ter tako s pomočjo enkratnih in vznemirljivih dogodivščin združuje udeležence
v dobro uglašen in delujoč tim, ki z razumevanjem sprejema izzive.
Zabaven, poučen in varen športni dan ali zaključni izlet! Z več kot 12-letnimi izkušnjami na področju organizacije in izvedbe športnih in naravoslovnih programov vam sedaj ponujamo enkraten in unikaten športno-naravoslovni dan. Kot prvi v Sloveniji smo združili igro s pedagoškimi vsebinami, pustolovski park pa omogoča izvedbo zanimivih programov za predšolske otroke, otroke prve, druge in tretje triade ter srednješolskih skupin.
program vključuje šolski poligon, rumeno in oranžno progo
maksimalno število otrok: 25
program vključuje šolski poligon, rumeno, oranžno in zeleno progo
maksimalno število otrok: 50
program vključuje šolski poligon in vse proge
maksimalno število otrok: 120
program vključuje šolski poligon in vse proge
maksimalno število otrok: 120
program vključuje šolski poligon in vse proge
maksimalno število otrok: 120
Vsi programi v sklopu organiziranih šolskih skupin so vodeni! V omenjenih programih zagotavljamo profesionalne inštruktorje-vodnike, ki bodo nadzorovali aktivnosti v parku, tako da vam spremstva odraslih oseb ni potrebno zagotoviti. Kot organizator si pridržujemo pravico, da ob grobem nespoštovanju varnostnih pravil in pravil vedenja v Pustolovskem parku program prekinemo zaradi ustreznega zagotavljanja varnosti otrok.
Termin izvedbe programov za šolske skupine po dogovoru, tudi izven odpiralnega časa. Pokličite na 031 513 645 ali pišite na [email protected].
Možnost nakupa darilnih bonov! Vstopnina velja za 120 minut pustolovščin + izobraževanje. Vsaka nadaljna začeta ura je 5 € (otroci 4 €). Spremljevalci, sprehajalci, radovedneži in kužki ne plačajo vstopnine. Otroci mlajši od 16 let so lahko v pustolovskem parku le v spremtvu odrasle osebe! 1 odrasla oseba lahko spremlja največ 3 otroke! Priporočamo športno obutev in obleko. Cene se lahko spremenijo brez predhodne najave.
From parking lot, you can access adventure park Bled in two ways:
Bled Adventure Park is more than just fun, it is socializing in nature and meeting friends, in short it is a safe and well-kept playground where friendly instructors and animators are waiting for you.
Our specially trained instructors take care of your safety, and in addition to them you can also find top-quality equipment from Black Diamond, Salewa, and Petzl.
An attractive summer toboggan run also operates within the Bled Adventure Park on Straža, and access to the location is arranged by chairlift.
Below Straža, in the immediate vicinity of the chairlift, there is a well-kept and secure parking lot where you can leave your vehicle and head to the Bled Adventure Park.
from 3 to 8 years
Timi is out on his first climbing adventure. Join him at hopping over giant mushrooms or playing hide-and-seek in the squirrel hut. Which part did you like the most?
From 3 to 8 years (mandatory adult supervision)
From 6 years and 140 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Liza is a very independent young girl. She has created her own track among the trees and is getting very good at overcoming obstacles. Later, she will join Ben on his »mission possible« (green course).
From 3 to 8 years (mandatory adult supervision)
From 6 years and 150 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Ben is a boy on a mission. He believes nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. He is practicing every day to become stronger, faster and more agile. All that while having loads of fun.
From 3 to 8 years (mandatory adult supervision)
From 8 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Ben, Liza, Helena and Peter have gone on a family trip where they will be walking over bridges and climbing ladders high above the ground. It is a true family adventure. Who is enjoying it the most?
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 8 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
After she has helped Timi, Ben and Liza, it is time for Helena to find her way around piramyds and a giant spider web. She will try Marko’s airway next (Flying Squirrel).
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 10 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Peter enjoys spending time in the treetops. That’s where the views are the best! He’s had to practice hard to master his climbing skills which he now shares with Timi, Liza and Ben.
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 10 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Have you ever seen a flying squirrel? Cousin Marko has flown into Adventure park Bled from abroad to visit the Acorns. Try the following zipwires and share Marko’s excitement.
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 6 years / minimum 20 kg
The longest zipwire on Straža is a special treat for Marko. He comes here often to improve his flying skills.
Adult supervision is mandatory
Adventure Park is located at the top of the Straža ski resort in Bled.
From parking lot, you can access adventure park Bled in two ways:
from 3 to 8 years
Timi is out on his first climbing adventure. Join him at hopping over giant mushrooms or playing hide-and-seek in the squirrel hut. Which part did you like the most?
From 3 to 8 years (mandatory adult supervision)
From 6 years and 140 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Liza is a very independent young girl. She has created her own track among the trees and is getting very good at overcoming obstacles. Later, she will join Ben on his »mission possible« (green course).
From 3 to 8 years (mandatory adult supervision)
From 6 years and 150 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Ben is a boy on a mission. He believes nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. He is practicing every day to become stronger, faster and more agile. All that while having loads of fun.
From 3 to 8 years (mandatory adult supervision)
From 8 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Ben, Liza, Helena and Peter have gone on a family trip where they will be walking over bridges and climbing ladders high above the ground. It is a true family adventure. Who is enjoying it the most?
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 8 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
After she has helped Timi, Ben and Liza, it is time for Helena to find her way around piramyds and a giant spider web. She will try Marko’s airway next (Flying Squirrel).
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 10 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Peter enjoys spending time in the treetops. That’s where the views are the best! He’s had to practice hard to master his climbing skills which he now shares with Timi, Liza and Ben.
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 10 years and 160 cm
(measured height with outstretched arms)
Have you ever seen a flying squirrel? Cousin Marko has flown into Adventure park Bled from abroad to visit the Acorns. Try the following zipwires and share Marko’s excitement.
Adult escort is obligatory until the age of 12
From 6 years / minimum 20 kg
The longest zipwire on Straža is a special treat for Marko. He comes here often to improve his flying skills.
Adult supervision is mandatory
No reservation or booking is required for individual visit of up to 15 persons. For group bookings, please email [email protected] or call us +38631513645.
Roughly 2 hours.
We strongly recommend comfortable sports clothing. For your safety, closed-toe shoes are required. Sneakers /running shoes are ideal.
A climbing harness, Kanopeo Speedrunner®carabiner, zipline trolley and helmet are provided. We do not allow personal climbing gear to be used.
Please, read our Instructions and rules for information on children supervision.
You do not need any special skills. You will receive a safety briefing by our guides prior to your climb.
The Park is located on top of Straža ski hill. You can park at the bottom of the hill and use the chairlift service or come by foot (20 mins). Please, find more here.
The Adventure Park can still be fun while it is raining. However, the Park will close for severe weather such as heavy rain and thunderstorms. If small storm systems are moving through the area, we try to stay open and ask our guests to take a break while they pass.
We do not sell or serve food, only drinks are available for purchase.
Safety is our top priority, that is why the park is built in accordance with EN 15567-1 standard. We also use high quality safety equipment, including the modern continuous belay system by Kanopeo®. Our well qualified guides will provide clear safety instructions and give assistance if needed.
Copyright ©2022 Pustolovski Park Bled
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These general terms and conditions and travel instructions are an integral part of the contract or. concluded referrals / vouchers Bled Adventure Park d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as PPB) and the contracting authority.
The General Terms and Conditions apply only to services organized by PPB, unless it is explicitly stated that they also apply to the sale of arrangements of other organizers. In the event that the special terms and conditions or individual program stipulate otherwise in relation to any point of these general terms and conditions and instructions, the statement or provision specified in the program. In the case of telephone sales or sales via the Internet, the passenger is considered to have accepted the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions when ordering and confirming the provision of PPB services by telephone or via the Internet via e-mail. The provisions of the general terms and conditions and instructions are available on the website, where they are specially marked and generally accessible.
The client is any person who has made a valid reservation or made a purchase and payment for the services of the company Pustolovski park Bled d.o.o. and are subject to these General Terms and Conditions and the Guidelines for Tourist Arrangements.
The Client has the right to cancel the services he / she performs at the person or branch office where he / she also ordered the services.
In the event that the customer cancels the services, PPB is entitled to reimbursement of costs due to the cancellation of services. The amount of reimbursement depends on the time in which the contracting authority submitted the cancellation, which must be in writing.
If the passenger cancels the services, he is obliged to reimburse PPB administrative costs in the amount of 15.00 per person. The amount of reimbursement of cancellation costs depends on the time before the day of commencement of the service in which the client submitted the cancellation or other if canceled the trip:
COURSE | Required age and height |
Practice course | All participants from 6 years |
BABY (yellow) | All participants from 3 to 8 years (supervised by an adult) |
A (green) | All participants from 6 years and min. height with stretch arms 140 cm |
B (green+) | All participants from 6 years and min. height with stretch arms 150 cm |
C (blue) | All participants from 8 years and 160 cm with stretched arms (children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult person) |
D (red) | All participants from 8 years and 160 cm with stretched arms (children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult person) |
E (black) | All participants from 12 years and 160 cm with stretched arms (supervised by an adult) |
ZIP (black◊) | All participants from 12 years and 160 cm with stretched arms (supervised by an adult) |
ZIP LINE | All participants from 6 years or minimum 20 kg (supervised by an adult) |